Tag Archives: Nashville Zoo

Summer Zoo Camps in Tennessee

Summer camps in Tennessee can be found in four of its major cities. Because the attractions in Tennessee’s cities seem to encourage a lot of the tourist trade, it’s likely that these cities, with the necessary funding, could mount the weekly wildlife camps that have become popular among their local citizens over the years. You […]

Where to Volunteer in Nashville, Tennessee

If you’ve been unsure of where you want your life to go, you might want to consider volunteering. You could volunteer at different organizations to get a feel for that job area and perhaps someday you could have a job in the area you were volunteering in. Here is a list of volunteer opportunities that […]

The Best Kids’ Attraction in and Around Nashville

Thinking about a vacation the whole family can enjoy? Why not consider Nashville as your destination? No matter the time of year, there are many attractions and things to do in Music City. Here is just a sampling of what awaits you: Bell Witch Beware – The lore of the Bell Witch has been passed […]