Tag Archives: Neil Peart

Mean, Mean Pride: The Vinyl Amateur’s Review of Rush’s Moving Pictures

Hey you, vinyl collectors! Over the course of your life you’ve heard that vinyl records are the superior form of music compared to CDs and MP3s. Although some may say that with our technological advances in sound editing, CD and digital format music sounds superior, it doesn’t have to. To sum things up briefly, vinyl […]

Neil Peart Vs. John Bonham – Best Rock Drummer Debate

The debate has raged since the mid-1970s, who rightly owns the title of “Greatest Rock Drummer of All-Time?”. Yes, there are hundreds of names that can be tossed in the big bowl of percussionists out there, but there are always two names that seem to go to war against each other. First is the late […]

Top Ten Rock Songs of the ’70s and ’80s

Somewhere along the line–say about 1987 or so–my interest in popular music took a permanent vacation and I found myself locked in a musical time warp, which isn’t all bad, given what is being churned out these days. Now, having three teenagers in my house, I try to expand their musical horizons from time to […]

Review: Clockwork Angels by Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart

When I first heard Neil Peart would collaborate with author Kevin J. Anderson on a fiction project connected to the latest Rush album, I was intrigued. For almost two years, since the release of the band’s single “Caravan”, we have been waiting for something – something – like a major plan that would be a […]