Tag Archives: Nephilim

Is There Definitive Proof of Aliens?

There is a very large amount of information about UFOs. The History Channel, Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, A&E;, and all the documentaries on the internet provide information about UFOs, but no definitive proof of aliens. Perhaps one of the most popular UFO documentaries is Chariots of the Gods, 1970, based on the book of […]

Genisis: The First Book of the Bible and Beginning of Mankind?

Genesis: the first book in the Bible is the most controversial and proven book around the world. Millions cite the Bible as an authority in their lives, while others regard it as an empty book of improbable stories and fables. Be that as it may, learning about the Bible can be the first step to […]

The Nibiru (Planet X) Collision – 2012

This is a place that can last forever. There are those who believe that the planet, which we call Nibiru or Planet X, will reach a meeting with the Earth. Some even believe that this planet and its inhabitants are our creators. There are many opinions about 2012. Some say it’s the end, others say […]