Tag Archives: Neutering

Why You Should Neuter Your Male Shih Tzu ASAP

They are undeniably cute: their smushed little faces, their stumpy little legs, and that enviable coat of luxurious hair. I am referring to the Shih Tzu puppy. Shih Tzus, one of the oldest breeds of dog, are wonderful pets to own. They are quite playful, and alert little animals. They are extremely small in size, […]

Five Myths About Neutering Dogs

There are several “facts” about spaying/neutering that are not always as true as often repeated. Tune to many “humane” and “animal rights” and “rescue” sites and you’ll see them as undisputed facts. An altered pet won’t roam, mark things, bite or do a host of other behaviors. There’s a problem with that – dogs don’t […]