Tag Archives: Nicotine Patch

Are There Medical Treatments to Help You Stop Using Smokeless Tobacco?

More than eight million Americans habitually use snuff in the form of chewing tobacco or snuff. Secondhand tobacco use has been associated with increased risks of a variety of chronic diseases, including oral cavity cancer, heart disease, and periodontal disease. Despite the knowledge of the adverse consequences of chewing tobacco and smoking, little attention has […]

Quit Smoking in Colorado – Without Spending a Dime

I started smoking when I was 16. The usual reasons – friends and boyfriend smoked, and while it never “pressed” me, the feeling was still there. The first time I smoked a cigarette, I wanted to feel the nicotine rush and again. And again. Here I am, 11 years later, and I finally started and […]

Nicoderm CQ Vs. Generic Nicotine Patches: Which Patches Stick Better?

Quitting smoking has been a nearly lifelong battle for me, as I have smoked 13 out of the 30 years I’ve been alive. Recently, I decided it was finally time for me to quit smoking and I embarked on my tenth serious smoking cessation attempt to date. I spoke with my doctor before I quit […]