Tag Archives: Oedipus Complex

Monotheism in Egypt: Akhenaton’s Affects During the Armana Period in Egypt

Ancient Egypt was known for its great pharaohs and amazing rituals. People of a more advanced time, who had not only a culture, but also a written language. Their belief in the afterlife and the elaborate memorials that were created to help the deceased succeed in their transition to life. These wonderful monuments exist today, […]

Arthur Miller: What Tragedy Really Is

In Arthur Miller’s essay, “Tragedy and the Common Man,” he outlines his ideas on what a tragedy and tragic hero are today. He argues that the tragic hero does not have to be a king or of a noble background, but instead, the common man can be considered a tragic hero. Miller makes the point […]

The Women of Shakespeare Tragedies

Women did not appear on the stage in England until the seventeenth century. The roles of women in William Shakespeare’s plays were often played by young boys. However, Shakespeare wrote quite powerful roles for the women in his plays. He tended to make male characters the primary protagonists, but the female characters held dominant supporting […]

What Does Rory Gilmore See in Logan Huntzberger?

The title of this piece is no doubt one that many viewers of Gilmore Girls have asked either themselves or anyone who might be watching the show with them. What, exactly, does Rory Gilmore see in Logan Huntzberger? Aside from Rory’s dad, Logan is unquestionably the least interesting-not to mention least likable-character on the show. […]

Exploring Freud’s Theory of Religion

Before explaining what exactly Freud meant by the Oedipus complex, we must first become familiar with the famous story on which his complex is now based. Oedipus, who was the son of Laius and Jocasta, was a cursed family. Because of the curses of Pelops, Oedipus was destined to kill his father. Laius, king of […]

Sigmund Freud: Dream Interpretation

Freud is one of the most famous social scientists of the twentieth century and has had a lasting and profound effect on it. Even today, most Americans, if not most citizens of the world are familiar with ideas like the id, ego, superego, Oedipus complex and a variety of other psychological terms. In addition to […]

Character Analysis of the Main Characters in Hamlet

I really enjoyed watching Hamlet.I’m not into Mel Gibson as of late, but I think he did an excellent job in Hamlet. His eyes and his expressions really portrayed emotion. I was very pleased with the rest of the cast as well, although I think that Kate Winslet probably played a better Ophelia than Helena […]