Tag Archives: Older Mothers

Expectant Mother’s Nutrition Needs During Pregnancy and Lactation (Breastfeeding)

In the United States, approximately 300-500 women die every year from giving birth, 11% of infants are born too early, 7.4% have low birth weight, and 7 of every 1000 live births die within the first year of life. These are stunning statistics; however, there are many things an expectant mother can do to reduce […]

Down Syndrome Information: Causes of Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is the result of an extra copy of chromosome 21. There are 23 chromosomes in the average, healthy, “normal” person, with two sets of chromosomes present. Therefore, people with Down syndrome have three chromosomes of 21, and a total of forty-seven chromosomes, as opposed to the forty-six found in most people. This extra, […]

Edwards’ Syndrome: Genetic Defect Often Resulting in Elective Abortion

Chromosomal disorders are a leading cause of health concern among many pregnant women with familial history of genetic disorder. For many expectant moms, the choice to undergo amniocentesis is often met with the decision to prepare for the birth of a child who may suffer from a genetic disorder versus electing to terminate the pregnancy. […]

Triple-X Females

Triple-X Females A female usually has only 2 X-chromosomes in each cell. In approximately 1 per 1,000 female births, a child is born with 3 X-chromosomes in each cell. Most often this condition isn’t diagnosed until later in life. People normally have 46 chromosomes in each cell. Two of the 46 chromosomes are sex chromosomes, […]

The Male “Biological Clock” – Fertility Issues for Older Men

It’s an accepted fact that women can’t have children forever. Once they reach menopause, their fertility ends. It’s also accepted that men, once they reach puberty, are fertile for the rest of their lives. But is it true? New research seems to be saying that while men don’t really stop being fertile, their ability to […]