Tag Archives: Operation Desert Storm

Bad Girls: The Women of Conservative Talk Media Are Good at the Game

When I was 13, I begged my parents to get cable television. “It’s quality, not quantity,” I read from the Viacom brochure that was sent to our house. “I won’t watch more TV, Mom; just better TV!” I said. After our suburban Cleveland neighborhood was wired with coaxial cable, my “quality versus quantity argument” quickly […]

World War II Museum Ships: The Aircraft Carriers

America entered World War II on December 8, 1941 at a serious naval disadvantage. The Japanese strike at Pearl Harbor had left the U.S. Pacific Fleet crippled and the Japanese in virtual control of the seas. The surprise attack also marked the rise of the aircraft carrier as the chief weapon of naval warfare on […]

Gulf War Statistics

Because of the previous circumstances, the true war-making potential of the two major antagonists can only be estimated. About 4,000 of the 5,500 tanks and 2,500 of the 3,500 military artillery in Iraq’s inventory have been lost. It is estimated that Iraqi personnel killed about 35,000 killed, about 65,000 wounded, 71,000 captured and 100,000 deserted. […]

Civil War in Somalia: Why Did the United States and the United Nations Interfere?

INTRODUCTION On June 8th of 1991 the United States celebrated a relatively easy end to Operation Desert Storm. During this same period Africa’s Somalia was in a heap of trouble. The country was in chaos due to political strife; Somalian President Siad Barre’s reign had recently been ousted by other clans. However, these clans soon […]