Tag Archives: Orwell

Symbolism in George Orwell’s 1984

In the novel “1984”, author George Orwell employs the use of symbolism to further support the themes developed throughout the novel. Orwell wrote 1984 as a political warning to warn the future about the dangers of totalitarianism. To communicate his warning, Orwell uses the idea of themes, which in turns utilizes overpowering symbols to give […]

Dangers in Animal Farm: Pigs, Tyranny & Oversimplified Ideologies

To say that that Napoleon’s betrayal of the revolution in Orwell’s Animal Farm was inevitable would be unequivocally wrong, as it would pardon all of his tyranny. With this stated, however, it would be equally as wrong to suggest things would have been different if someone else had triumphed in the succession struggle. Simply stated, […]

Economic Imperialism in Burmese Days

George Orwell’s second novel, Burmese Days, one of his first major works, tells the story of the poet John Flory in the decline of colonialism in Burma. One of the novels about colonialism, Orwell critiques the various forms of colonialism, militaristic imperialism, economic and cultural during his time saw Burma in his book. While all […]

Review of George Orwell’s Animal Farm

Animal Farm A story about the animals of the Manor Farm that are neglected and abused by the farmer; Finally, the animals, reaching their limits, rebel and take over the village, removing their evil human masters. As they begin to run the farm, their pride in their accomplishments and their abilities to do one thing […]

Animal Farm – an In-Depth Analysis of Overlying Themes

Animal Farm, published in 1956 and written by George Orwell, the famous author of other works such as 1984 and Such, Such Were the Joys, is a humorous satirical book depicting an alternate world in which a tyrannical totalitarian animal society is constructed and led. , the curly-haired dictator In the setting of Animal Farm, […]

Orwell’s 1984: Characterization, Background, and Symbolism

Winston, the main character in 1984, distinguishes himself as a rebel member of Oceania (one of the three battling superstates in this time period). He refuses to accept the ideals of the government, “doublethink,” and the sovereignty of Big Brother. Winston refuses to allow the Party to stifle his individuality or his ability to reason […]

Analysis of Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell

George Orwell writes of his experience in British-ruled India in the early Twentieth Century. At the time, he was a young, inexperienced soldier stationed there to help protect the Queen’s interests. While he was there, he had to do something that had made some ethical conflicts within him. Judging by the way he wrote…it still […]