Tag Archives: Peanut Allergies

All About Peanuts: Health Benefits, Allergy Risks, How They Are Grown and More

Sure peanuts are a popular snack, but there is a whole lot more to the little crunchy treats than first meets the eye. Peanuts, which are actually a legume (like peas, beans and lentils), are packed with vitamins and nutrients and are a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. In spite of the health benefits […]

Peanut Allergy Symptoms and Prevention of Symptoms

In recent years, the presence of life-threatening peanut allergies has increased by leaps and bounds. “Peanut-free Classroom” and “Peanut-free Lunchroom” are becoming household phrases as extra precautions are taken to ensure the safety and well being of all students. Something as small as a fleck of peanut dust or a piece of food cooked in […]

Do You Need a Medical Alert Bracelet?

A medical alert bracelet is a special bracelet worn by people who have serious medical condition, drug allergies, or other special needs. It alerts emergency medical personnel to vital information that might affect treatment, in the event the wearer of the bracelet is unable to communicate that information. For instance, people with diabetes often wear […]

Peanut Allergy and School Bans on Peanut Products: Sound Public Policy or Hysteria?

As someone involved in public policy making and policy enforcement, I find it alarming that so much public policy today, especially in schools, is driven by fear of historical litigation rather than sound research, cost-benefit analysis, and least-restrictive resources. It meets the objective plan and other aspects of the account. One final example of history-based […]