Tag Archives: Peanut Allergy

Peanut Allergy Symptoms and Prevention of Symptoms

In recent years, the presence of life-threatening peanut allergies has increased by leaps and bounds. “Peanut-free Classroom” and “Peanut-free Lunchroom” are becoming household phrases as extra precautions are taken to ensure the safety and well being of all students. Something as small as a fleck of peanut dust or a piece of food cooked in […]

Peanut Allergy and School Bans on Peanut Products: Sound Public Policy or Hysteria?

As someone involved in public policy making and policy enforcement, I find it alarming that so much public policy today, especially in schools, is driven by fear of historical litigation rather than sound research, cost-benefit analysis, and least-restrictive resources. It meets the objective plan and other aspects of the account. One final example of history-based […]

Most Common Food Allergies

Most food allergies start before birth. Chances are, if you have an allegory for any food, you got it from one or both of your parents. According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), two percent of American adults and two to eight percent Children have real food allergies. But that number is on the […]