Tag Archives: Pet Shops

The Mango Pleco and the Reasons Why You Should Have One in Your Aquairum

Ensuring that you have an ample supply of bottom feeders, more specifically, algae eaters is essential to ensuring substrate is maintained and algae controlled. Many pet shops tanks are inundated with basic plecostomus’ that are literally a dime a dozen and it seems that aquarists can’t be bothered with exploring the many possibilities that abound […]

Feeding Gourami Fish

Gouramis can eat many of the same foods of other tropical freshwater fish. Pet shops sometimes claim that feeding gouramis is exactly like feeding bettas. Although gouramis are in the Ananbantid family, closely related to the betta (Betta splendens), they do better on a slightly different diet than a betta would. They can not only […]

The Top Pet Shops in the Hartford, Connecticut Area

The Hartford, Connecticut area is home to several very good pet shops. Some of these stores specialize in the sale and care of common household pets such as dogs and cats, while others focus on pets such as tropical fish, reptiles, small animals and horses. Each of these stores also regularly stocks and sells large […]