Tag Archives: Pompey

The Life of Marc Antony

M. Antonius came from an illustrious family, which had the fame of Hercules. His grandfather, consul and censor, was considered among the greatest orators of his time, his father was not very famous in public affairs, nor illustrious, but handsome and honest. He was, however, more closely related to Antony’s mother than to Julius Caesar. […]

The Subfields of Anthropology

Anthropology, being a very broad and all-encompassing science, requires subfields. There are four separate areas of anthropology. There is cultural anthropology, archaeology, which is the one we are most familiar with, linguistic anthropology, and biological anthropology. Each is very important to the study of humans. Cultural anthropology deals with how we as humans interact with […]

Julius Caesar – The Legacy

Julius Caesar is the most well known person in the Roman Empire. Through history, his name is mentioned many times in scriptures, plays, artistic representations and fables. His life left a legacy that is both very interesting and extremely well-known. [1]Julius Caesar revolutionized Rome with his Political, Social and Economic changes. When people hear the […]

Mark Antony: Caesar’s Staunchest Ally

The leader and triumvirate of the Roman soldiers and of the state, the eldest son of Antonius Creticus and Marcus Antonius, the orators of the Romans. Having succeeded Gabinius in Syria (57), Caesar, whom his mother had mentioned in Gaul, became one of his most faithful and supporters. On his election to the quaestorship of […]

HBO’s Rome: How Real is It?

HBO’s witty historical drama is a delight to watch. Well-acted and beatifully filmed, it transports viewers to another Republic long ago, dangerously sliding towards the abyss. It is, to be sure, educational as well as entertaining. But just how real is it? Main Characters The two main characters of the show, ex-legionaries named Vorenus and […]