Tag Archives: Prenuptial Agreements

Medieval Women

When we think about what life was like for women in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval periods, we often think of them as someone without a life or a say as to how to run their household. But even though the husband was the dominating partner in marriage, the wife held significant importance. The following will illustrate […]

Top 8 Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement

Prenuptial agreements are anything but romantic. A couple in love rarely wants to contemplate the “what if” of divorce. But for some couples, the benefits of a prenuptial agreement can be substantial. If you are contemplating entering into a prenuptial agreement, it is essential that both parties obtain legal advice. A prenuptial agreement must be […]

Why Do People Sign Prenuptial Agreements?

The prenuptial agreement is a premarital contract that spells out the financial settlements that would take place in the event the marriage ends in divorce. Prenups are usually associated with wealthy people, but they may also be advisable for people with children from prior marriages, business owners or people who may come into an inheritance […]

Understanding Oral Contracts

Oral contracts are arguably one of the most dangerous aspects of the law that exist because they leave much room for ambiguity. Although oral contracts are as legally binding as written agreements, they are significantly more difficult to prove in a court of law, and a written contract is thousands of times more preferable. Should […]