Tag Archives: Preterm

Facts About Premature Birth: Stop Blaming the Mother

In the article Causes and Methods of Preventing Premature Births the author purports that is possible to prevent premature births. While there is some valid information included, and the article is obviously well-intentioned, the article would leave the reader to believe that prematurity is common, leads to severe health conditions and can be reduced solely […]

Dangers of Dong Quai in Pregnancy

Practitioners of Chinese traditional medicine, or TCM, have long recommended dong quai (Chinese angelica) as a catch-all solution to women’s health problems. Midwives in ancient China believed that dong quai was helpful during all stages of pregnancy. According to tradition, it could improve the female sex drive, enhance fertility, ease pregnancy-related discomforts, prevent preterm labor, […]

Naturally Stopping and Managing Premature Labor

Premature labor is also known as preterm labor. When a baby is born before 37 weeks, he faces significant challenges throughout his life as an event. It is extremely dangerous to give birth to a baby before the second trimester has passed. Some women are at high risk for premature labor, but it can strike […]

What to Expect at Prenatal Doctor Visits: The Third Trimester

Week 28 to week 40 make up the third trimester, seemingly the longest trimester of the three. This period of the pregnancy should be known as the trimester with the reality slap. The due date that seemed like it would never come is now coming up, causing an excitement, but at the same time anxiety […]

Estimating the Cost of Pregnancy

Is it important to have a baby? If you are curious, what will pregnancy cost you? In all honesty, there is no simple way to determine how many different cases there are to consider. With this being said, the price of the battery can be estimated. For that was easy before. Those with health insurance […]