Tag Archives: Psyllium

The Health Benefits of Psyllium

You may not have heard of psyllium, but you’ve experienced its effects if you’ve taken a bulk laxative such as Metamucil. Psyllium is the primary ingredient in this over-the-counter constipation medication and is also the fiber component in many bran cereals. But, you don’t have to buy a bulk laxative or a bran cereal to […]

How to Increase Dietary Fiber and Heal from Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Increasing fiber intake often helps with IBS. Health experts now recommend increasing the intake of protein to at least 20 to 35 grams per day. Increasing fiber is therefore the first recommendation for IBS patients, especially those who have constipation. The United States has the lowest food purity in the world. The average American gets […]

Colon Cleanse: Psyllium Husk for Detoxification

Who knew that the crappy theme of the health colony would become all the rage in herbal medicine? Late-night TV is full of colon cleansing infomercials, and drugstores sell all kinds of colon detoxification “programs” containing ten minerals and herbs. However, among the oldest and most powerful substances used for bowel movement is bulk psyllium […]

Natural Cures for Diabetics: From Cinnamon to Aromatherapy

The big problem with diabetes these days seems to be that more and more Americans are being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Is insulin and prescription diabetic medication the only thing that will control diabetes? A proper diet and exercise will help but there are some natural remedies that can help control your diabetes or […]

Product Review: Metamucil Berry Burst

I had a free sample of Metamucil on my desk that I forgot about until the other day when I was looking for something. It was about to expire, so I decided to try it. This product, Metamucil Berry Burst, is designed not only as a laxative, but also as a fiber supplement. . Flavour, […]

Psyllium Husk – For Constipation and High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol

Psyllium is the seed of the pods. This is the seed of the plantain. Another name is Ispaghula. It contains a high level of high purity fiber. The source is über clear. A psyllium seed husk fiber is an excellent medicine for heart disease, blood sugar, and constipation. Psyllium is widely refined in India and […]

Using the Herb Senna as a Laxative

Constipation can be uncomfortable. We may not have been eating correctly and/or getting enough exercise. During these times we might reach for a mild laxative to quickly and gently fix the problem. There are those times and those people, however, who suffer from severe constipation. This may be brought on by a prolonged illness. Frequently, […]