Tag Archives: Purebred Dogs

Genetic Diseases in Purebred Dogs

The best thing you can do to reduce the chances of your purebred dog developing a genetic disease is by purchasing from a reputable breeder. A reputable breed will be a member of national breed organization, they will only breed to achieve the breed standard, and they will be willing to teach and advise you […]

I Love Mutts: Mixed-Breed Dogs are Better Than a Purebreds

For centuries, mutts have been shunned by potential owners and kennel clubs, called mongrels, curs, tykes, and my favorite term, Heinz 57s, playing on “Fifty-Seven varieties.” While many prospective pet owners prefer the status symbol of owning a purebred dog, the benefits of mixed-breed dogs far outweigh those of purebreds. There is a stigma associated […]

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Owning a Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is very popular and spirited breed of dog that has won the hearts of canine owners nationwide. This rather small breed of dog has a rather disproportionate amount of spunk and vitality which makes them both a joy and a handful to handle at times. The Jack Russell Terrier was originally […]

The Bichon Bolognese Dog Breed

Bichon Historia Bononiensis Bononese dogs are also known as “Bichon Bonones”, as the name seems to originate from the Bononia region of Italy, and Bonones are thought to refer to the Bichon Frize. Bologna from Bichon in sedem Italia.html”> in supposed to have settled in Italy in the 11th and 12th centuries. It is known […]