Tag Archives: Racial Differences

Why Racism Still Lives in America & How it Can Be Solved

Even though America prides itself on being a melting pot where people from different religions, races, and classes have the right to freedom, racism is still alive and well today. There is no one reason why racism is still a factor in this country instead it’s a mixture of different factors, all of which can […]

Racism Towards Blacks

African Americans have faced racism, prejudice attitudes, and discrimination in America for hundreds of years. First Black people were brought over as slaves and treated horribly by White people. After Black people were finally freed, they were then segregated from Whites until 1964 (Parrillo, 2011). Presently Black people still experience a great deal of racism […]

A History of Rwanda’s Genocide: Hutu Vs. Tutsi

The 1994 Rwandan genocide was not an isolated event. There was a horrific series of massacres perpetrated by Hutu against Tutsi, and vice versa, since 1962, when Belgium granted independence to Rwanda and Burundi, two neighboring nations in the African Great Lakes region. Who is Hutu, who is Tutsi? Together, Hutus and Tutsis account for […]

The Evolution of Racial Hierarchy in Latin America

When the Spanish began to colonize the Americas there was a clear distinction between the natives whom they encountered and their own society. Though the Spanish attempted to maintain two wholly separate worlds, it soon became apparent that this would be near impossible. Miscegenation had spawned a plethora of new ethnicities, and racial mixing was […]