Tag Archives: Rapid Eye Movement

Can Too Much Dreaming Cause Depression?

Have you ever woken up in the morning still feeling sleepy and just wanted to pull the covers over your head, despite the abundance of sleep? While you might think you’re starting the day feeling unmotivated because you didn’t get enough REM sleep to work through your problems, chances are the opposite is true. Sleep […]

The Human Sleep Cycle: An Explanation of Sleep

Sleep Sleeping is something that everyone on the planet needs. While we sleep at different times of the day and for different periods of time, there is still something everyone should do to stay healthy both physically and mentally. In the course of night a person goes through five stages of sleep, and go through […]

Sleep Paralysis During the REM Part of the Sleep Cycle

Have you ever noticed that they were excited and couldn’t move? It is possible that you are not dreaming at all. You could suffer from sleep paralysis. Wikipedia states that “sleep paralysis is a condition of temporary paralysis of the body shortly after awakening (known as hypnopompic paralysis) or, less often, shortly before falling asleep […]

Narcolepsy- Falling Asleep Anytime, Anywhere

Narcolepsy is a disorder that precipitates bout of severe daytime sleepiness in those that are afflicted with it, no matter what they are doing or where they are. Narcolepsy is such that it can take up to ten years for it to be properly diagnosed. Typically occurring between the ages of fifteen and thirty, narcolepsy […]