Tag Archives: Religious Differences

The Pros and Cons of Our First Amendment

In the news recently there have been multiple passionate conversations about our individual’s freedom of speech, the basis of our first amendment. What exactly is the first amendment? And why is the first amendment such a difficult issue when it comes to people exercising this right? Even today the right to follow the first amendment […]

Comparison of Decolonization in India and Africa After World War II

In comparing the patterns and results of decolonization of India and Africa, there are many similarities and differences. The decolonization movement gained strength after WWII in both India and Africa because of the war’s weakening of the colonizing European countries’ economies, as well as rising nationalism in India and Africa. Also, both Africa and India […]

Abnormal Behavior

At the moment, it is not possible to define the specific meaning of abnormal behavior, and considering the many different variables, it is unlikely that there will always be one specific answer. What behavior seems abnormal to some, may be considered normal by others; and the four Ds can help to account for behaviors that […]

Causes of Civil War in Yugoslavia

Yugoslavia had always been a troubled state as a result of the mixture of diverse ethnicities and religious beliefs. Formed in 1918 from the union of the Kingdom of Serbia with the political entities of Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia fostered Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, Muslims, and Protestants, but also minorities of Hungarians, Turks, Bulgarians […]