Tag Archives: Remedies for Dehydration

Natural Home Remedies for Dehydration

Dehydration is a very serious condition we all need to watch out for especially during these upcoming hot summers days. It is important to keep your body hydrated as well as keeping your children from suffering from dehydration. Dehydration is much more common in elderly persons and children as they are at higher risk from […]

First Aid for Treating Dehydration

With summer almost upon us, the risk of becoming dehydrated is significantly increased. Dehydration occurs when your body doesn’t receive the water and other fluids necessary to carry out its normal functions. Water forms the basis for all body fluids, including blood and digestive juices; aids in the transportation and absorption of nutrients; and helps […]

Tips for Keeping Your Horses Healthy During the Summer Months

Summer is here! Warms up more riding, training, showing and enjoying. All of this can be extra activity for a very thirsty horse! We must remember to take bottles of water with us when we ride to keep us from getting dehydrated and feeling down. dizzy and weak. we also need to stay hydrated to […]

My Grandmother’s Home Remedies – Hangover

Hangover is the way you feel the morning after a celebration, or just a night out with friends. Sometimes called the morning after the night before, you think the celebration was definitely not worth it. My grandmother had several home remedies to make the pounding head and upset stomach better. Although she did not know […]

What to Eat when Having IBS Diarrhea

one of the most common types of IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is diarrhea. In fact, more people are suffering from diarrhea than constipation. Experiencing this may be very uncomfortable and difficult. Imagine how stressful it can be to go back and forth the bathroom a number of times? Most of the time, diarrhea is […]

The Importance of Water to Health and to Human Life

The Importance of Water To Human Life and to the Operation of the Human Body: Next to air (oxygen), water is the most essential element to human life; the body usually cannot survive longer than several days without water (a maximum of 1 week). Water is essential to the functioning of every single cell and […]