Tag Archives: Right Brain

Brain Exercises Keep the Doctors Away

Exercising your brain regularly will help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and memory loss, according to the Mayo clinic. The earlier you start preventing your brain from these defects, the better. Exercising your brain can be done in a variety of ways. Reading, playing puzzles, exercising or even something as simple as taking a walk […]

Are You a Left Brain or Right Brain Thinker? Take the Test and Find Out

Did you know you have two brains? Okay, you don’t have two brains. However, nature saw fit to separate your brain into two halves, or hemispheres, the left brain, and the right brain. While both sides of your brain are active, chances are that either the left brain or the right brain is more dominant. […]

Are You Left Brained or Right Brained?

Given the information of whether a person is right-handed or left-handed, you can get some basic ideas of what they are like overall. Different traits of the human personality are controlled by the brain – specifically, by either the right side of the brain, or the left side. Since there is a cross-over of our […]