Tag Archives: Roman Republic

Livy as an Historian

The Mission of Livy’s History Titus Livius (59 BC-17 AD), or Livy as he is commonly called, was a Roman historian during the years Augustus was building the Roman Empire. Livy wrote a massive 142 book history of Rome called Ab Urbe Condita (From the Founding of the City) which covered all of Roman history […]

Governments Throughout the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages were rife with civilisation, war and rebellion. Feudalism was the main form of government present in these centuries. However, both the Church and the monarchy played an important role in the events of both the Middle Ages and the Middle Ages. Therefore, my opinion is that ancient Egypt had the greatest influence […]

Western Civilization Research Paper

Outline I-Introduction -Define culture -What it is -How it’s influenced -Key traits II-Western Civilization Culture -Define Western Culture -The Three Pillars -Ancient Greece -Roman Republic -Christianity III-First Pillar-Ancient Greece -Philosophy -Olympic games -Important Greek philosophers I-The Greek Polis -Define a city-state -Trading -Women and slaves II-Life in a Greek City-State -Religion -Citizenship -Government -Slavery -Marriage […]

How Roman Men Got Their Names

C. Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus Germanicus Caligula – Yes, all in one person, and probably more than once in your life you have seen one of the monstrous names of the Romans and asked yourself “What does he mean?” In the United States and most Western culture, we have three basic names that are easier […]

Glencoe High School History Books are Woefully Inadequate

It is to be assumed that no book can be 100 percent perfect; nearly any history book will have either a handful of translation/interpretation of event errors or, at the very least, present positions that are still in dispute and cannot be immediately verified. Under normal circumstances, this would be overlooked as the education in […]

HBO’s Rome: How Real is It?

HBO’s witty historical drama is a delight to watch. Well-acted and beatifully filmed, it transports viewers to another Republic long ago, dangerously sliding towards the abyss. It is, to be sure, educational as well as entertaining. But just how real is it? Main Characters The two main characters of the show, ex-legionaries named Vorenus and […]