Tag Archives: Rsv

Kidney Infections and Infants: Tips from a Mom with Personal Experience

Unfortunately I write this with first-hand knowledge. Recently, my 3-month-old daughter was hospitalized with a severe kidney infection. I and my husband spent three long and scary days at the hospital trying to get Samarrah feeling better. It started out with Sam just feeling a little warmer than usual. She acted fine. She was still […]

Bible Translations, III: The American Standard Version and Its Offshoots

Last week we examined the King James and the New King James versions. This week, let us look at the next series of Bible versions, the American Standard Version (ASV), and its offshoots, the New American Standard Bible and its later Update (NASB/NASU), the Revised Standard Version (RSV), and the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). […]

What is Viral Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a general term for any infection of the lungs that causes the accumulation of fluid in the airspaces. These infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and in some rare cases, even fungi. Viral pneumonia is an infection caused by a virus. It can infect the respiratory system anywhere from the upper airways […]

Why Babies Wheeze

First, let me say, if your baby is having trouble breathing, call 911. Don’t take chances and don’t “wait and see”. This article is not to diagnose your child’s condition, it is simply a listing of some of the things that can cause a baby to wheeze. There are several things that can cause a […]

Rx for Synagis? Make Sure Your Premature Baby is Covered

When the doctor in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) recommended that we ask our pediatrician about Synagis to help prevent RSV disease, I never envisioned the health insurance nightmare that would follow. I had seen the commercials promoting Synagis, I had read the pamphlet about RSV. I knew the seriousness of this potentially life-threatening […]

What is Viral Pneumonia?

Pneumonia occurs when the air sacs and small airways of the lungs fill with liquid and cannot function properly. When gas exchange is impeded, the lungs cannot take in oxygen as they normally would. Oxygen is vital to the body’s cells, where it is needed for aerobic respiration; the breakdown of food to obtain energy […]

Five Reasons Why Fall is the Best Time to Conceive a Baby

Are you thinking about trying to conceive? Are you wondering if there is a specific time that you should try to conceive? This might be something good to think about. If you are not feeling rushed and can take your time, it can be to your advantage to choose when you conceive, as this will […]