Tag Archives: Seratonin

Treating Anxiety Naturally

At one time or another many of us suffer from anxiety. Some of us are worse than others. And a small percentage of us worry every day and for no apparent reason. Here are natural ways to reduce your anxiety: Valerianus Since valerian is commonly known as a holistic approach to inducing sleep, I also […]

Effexor Side Effects

Effexor is a little different from Zoloft and Prozac; it is a seratonin reuptake inhibitor, but it also inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine. It belongs to the selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRIs) class of drugs. It works basically the same way, but it slows the re-absorption of two chemicals in the brain that […]

The Healthiest Healthy Trail Mix

Your friends have invited you to go hiking in the mountains of Colorado for a weekend trip. For a weekend trip into the mountains, lugging your own gear, you know that a Healthy Trail Mix was going to be a necessity. You know that salt causes dehydration which is going to slow you down; sugar […]

New Facts Prove Granny was Right About the Health Benefits of Sunshine

Granny was right about the health benefits of fresh air and sunshine. She knew her family was healthier after spending time in the sun. She just didn’t know why. The health benefits of the sun are tremendous. Researchers are quickly proving how much it helps us to get outside and be active in the sunshine. […]