Tag Archives: Serbia

Novi Sad, Serbia: For Tourists

Nestled on the Danube, this capital city of the Serbian province of Vojvodina welcomes tourists as it rebuilds itself in the wake of 1999 Kosovo War bombings by NATO. In Serbian, Novi Sad means “new planting,” ironic nomenclature for a city that lost its bridges and other critical parts of its infrastructure. Fortunately, many of […]

Serbia’s Role in Former Yugoslavia

When the Austro-Hungarian Empire fell after World War II, a new country was born. Yugoslavia was created by the victors after World War II. The country was not united and certainly not one or two ethnic groups. The country consisted of different ethnic groups, languages, religions, and beliefs. After almost 50 years, when the country […]

Buy Slivovitz Online

Slivovitz is a brandy spirit made from distilled and fermented plum juice. Especially popular in the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Hungary, Slovakia, and other parts of Eastern Europe, slivovitz is considered the national drink of Serbia. Indeed, slivovitz is to Serbia as vodka is to Russia. However, more Americans are buying this plum brandy, and an […]

The Bosnian Civil War: Important Terms to Know

Between March 1992 and November 1995, the Former Republic of Yugoslavia broke up violently in a devastating civil war, leading to the current nations of Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia. In order to understand the nature of this conflict, it is important to know a few key terms. Tudjman: An ardent nationalist, Franjo Tudjman was the […]

Causes of Civil War in Yugoslavia

Yugoslavia had always been a troubled state as a result of the mixture of diverse ethnicities and religious beliefs. Formed in 1918 from the union of the Kingdom of Serbia with the political entities of Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia fostered Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, Muslims, and Protestants, but also minorities of Hungarians, Turks, Bulgarians […]