Tag Archives: Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry: Resolving Jealousy and Competition

A fraternal fight presents a deformed head with several masks in one cup. This is usually characteristic of fighting, shouting, bothering, greeting. Often children look for a partner in their parents. Actually parents try and remain neutral and allow children to work out their differences. While this is reasonable and teaches children to deal with […]

What is Sibling Bullying?

It is your duty as a parent to protect your child from harm. That includes warding off physical injury (such as in a hot stove), and psychological harm. One of the most psychologically damaging problems that a child can face is sibling bullying. An abusive sibling is a toxic and pestilential issue in the family. […]

How Parents Create Sibling Rivalry

The causes of fraternal rivalries range from slight oddities. Young people compare the number of home fries on the dinner plate and the size of the scoops of ice cream they get for dessert. Children know if one of the family gets priority treatment; and the age gap does not matter in this six-year-old average […]

How to Handle Sibling Rivalry

Children crave attention and approval from their parents. So it is no surprise that problems can arise between siblings when both (or more) children are striving for the same goal. Children also have no choice in their siblings. Personalities and interests may not mesh (and even when they do) being with anyone for large amounts […]

Five Tips for Dealing with Sibling Rivalry

While there may be those who claim sibling rivalry is not inevitable, I have certainly found that if you have more than one child, sibling squabbles are a daily reality. Sniping, fighting, competition and other conflicts seem to descend upon a household as soon as the second child crosses the threshold – and while they […]