Tag Archives: Socrates

God and the Divine in Plato’s Republic

Plato’s Republic is generally considered the greatest work, and it is certainly the best known; most anyone in the West will open to him at some point in his college career. The principal theme of the state is justice: in the individual and in the commonwealth. However, in several places Plato touches on another matter […]

Rhetorical Techniques of Socrates, as Seen in Apology by Plato

In the Apology, written by Plato, Socrates is on trial for seducing youth and not believing in the gods. Today, this is generally seen as a crime, although at the time Athens needed a shooter and Socrates was a perfect fit. Socrates was very strong, he asked about legal matters and about government and tyrants. […]

Summary of “Clouds’

The final days of Socrates are rather dramatic. He was accused of religious offenses and corrupting the youth. At his trial, he intelligently defended himself, but was condemned to death. His friends were ready to help him escape, but he decided to submit to Athenian law, and drank the hemlock. Plato gives us the contents […]

Socrates Vs. Confucius

Confucius and Socrates both have a very definite perspective of an exemplary person and how he/she should live their life. However these perspectives do differ in specific areas and that is what brings me to compare and contrast on both philosophers. “He acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his actions” (Confucius 2-13). […]

Socrates’s Method of Philosophy

Philosophy is a very broad subject and can be approached in many different manners. There are various philosophical views and methods of practicing philosophy, so many so that philosophers frequently debate upon which ones are the best or correct ones. Perhaps one of the more generally accepted methods of philosophical practice, though, is a method […]

A Socratic Dialogue on the Meaning of Beauty

[This is a fictional Socratic dialogue exploring the meaning of beauty. All characters are poetic, except, of course, O Socrates]. Atreus is the director of the Art Gallery of Athens, and which of the two paintings in the main gallery will be unveiled during next week’s grand opening. Unfortunately, the foyer can accommodate only one […]