Tag Archives: Sophists

Media Ecology Theory of Marshall McLuhan

Media Ecology is a theory of communication that was developed by Marshall McLuhan and aims to examine the effects of these various media on our environment. Essentially, Media Ecology is the study of how different personal and social environments are created by different communication technologies. Marshall McLuhan, the oracle of the electric age, has been […]

Rhetorical Techniques of Socrates, as Seen in Apology by Plato

In the Apology, written by Plato, Socrates is on trial for seducing youth and not believing in the gods. Today, this is generally seen as a crime, although at the time Athens needed a shooter and Socrates was a perfect fit. Socrates was very strong, he asked about legal matters and about government and tyrants. […]

Summary of “Clouds’

The final days of Socrates are rather dramatic. He was accused of religious offenses and corrupting the youth. At his trial, he intelligently defended himself, but was condemned to death. His friends were ready to help him escape, but he decided to submit to Athenian law, and drank the hemlock. Plato gives us the contents […]

Plato and His Ideal Leaders

Plato, was an aristocratic philosopher who was educated under the wing of the ever engaging Socrates. Today, his beliefs and writings litter the ideals of a vast number of governments and his writings fill libraries. Plato’s book, The Republic, tells the story of Socrates as he debates the definition of justice with his comrades. During […]

The Role of Education in Ancient Greece

Education was an important part of parental and civic duty. After childhood, the first care of children is relatively young, boys become model citizens, politicians or soldiers, while girls are only prepared for marriage. In a Greek family, only male offspring could remain in the family. Following marriage, the girl was expected to sever almost […]