Tag Archives: Squats

The Best Exercise for Muscle Mass

What are the best exercises for putting on muscle. Basic exercises. What exercises will make me a mass monster. Multi joint exercises. What exercises will make me nasty big. Big multi joint exercises with big weights. The squat will fit the bill nicely. With the squat you will work the quads, hams, glutes, and the […]

Barbell Squat vs. Dumbbell Squat: Pros and Cons

Barbell squats or dumbbell squats: which is better? The barbell squat and dumbbell squat both have plenty to offer fitness enthusiasts. I’m a certified personal trainer, and whether the barbell squat is better than the dumbbell squat, or vice versa, depends upon your goals. There are two ways to perform barbell squats: with a Smith […]

Best Exercises for Building Thigh Muscles

Building Thigh Muscles (and I don’t mean bulking and hulking up) is very important for retaining youth. In fact, building thigh muscles is the Fountain of Youth and will fight aging and fight off the big fat belly that so many people get as years go by. I’m a certified personal trainer and have always […]

The Best Bodybuilding Exercises, From Squats to Military Press

If you pick up any bodybuilding book or magazine, you can find a mind boggling number of exercises for each part of the body. However, not all exercises are created equal, and some are much more effective than others, not just for working a particular bodypart, but for overall muscular growth throughout the body. The […]

3 Alternatives to Barbell Squats

Barbell pull-ups are an excellent exercise for shaping your glutes, quads, and hamstrings, but what if you can’t do a traditional pull-up? Don’t get carried away — there are several other squat options that will train your lower body just as effectively without the need for a barbell. Remember, however, that these are advanced skills, […]

Five Biggest Squat Mistakes with the Smith Machine

When doing squats with the Smith machine, beware of some common mistakes. I’m a certified personal trainer and I see mistakes with Smith machine squats all the time. I’ve compiled five of the biggest mistakes people commit when doing squats on the Smith machine, or a similar tracked barbell device. These Smith machine squat mistakes […]

Three Effective Butt Exercises for Both Men and Women

Interesting thing about the buttocks: no matter the gender, the very same exercises are effective in sculpting this particular area of body to achieve maximum attraction to either sex. If you are looking for an exercise program specifically designed to make yourself more enticing to those who are checking out your rear end, here are […]

The Best Bodyweight Exercises for a Complete Body Workout

Introduction Frankly I was tired going to the gym with its unending routine of pumping iron. I had gone through the pain and stress of exercise related injuries which were becoming more and more frequent even though I had developed quite a good physique by regular weight training over the years. The big problem with […]

Body Weight Exercise Cardio “Deck of Cards” Routine

Body weight exercises can be used to develop an almost ideal cardio workout. They can be done indoors or outdoors, most are safe to do, and require little or no equipment. However, many people who have never wrestled competitively or in the military are unsure of how to build bodyweight training routines. The “deck of […]