Tag Archives: Statute of Limitations

Beware: Scavenger Debt Collection

As if there weren’t enough unscrupulous activities in business today, there’s a new game in town that could affect any outstanding debtor. It’s a trap in which many new companies participate, and it often violates fair debt collection laws. This new practice is called “scavenger debt collection”, and it can be quite intimidating if you […]

Defamation of Character: Was Absolute Privilege or Qualified Privilege Involved?

With recent media events focusing upon the issues involving defamation of character, courts across the United States have experienced a rise in these types of cases with more and more of the general population seeking damages. If you are accusing an individual of defamation of your character, it is important to understand not only the […]

Can You Sue for Defamation of Character?

Defamation of character is a legal term that is slung about quite often, especially now that the Internet has become so broad. The reality, however, is that most defamation cases hold little merit, and many are dismissed before they ever see the inside of a courtroom. To determine if you can sue for defamation of […]

California Statute of Limitations on Collections

Creditors must settle the lawsuit within the time limits set by the State of California. The time limit given to the creditor to file a lawsuit depends on the type of case filed. Like most attorneys, we have warned many people who are trying to collect on the wrong calling debt collectors with complaints age. […]