Tag Archives: Tea Tree Oil

3 Natural Remedies for Boils

Most skin infections are minor with natural remedies that can be treated at home. Ulcers are small masses of painful pustules, but they may not pop like papules. Below are three home remedies for treating ulcers that will make the affliction shorter and less painful. Hot Compressed Apply a warm compress, such as a heated […]

Tea Tree Oil: My Story

Tea Tree Oil is one of my favorite natural remedies and has a special place of honor in our home. Whenever the kids have a cut, shave, or rash, they ask us to fix their boo-boo, grab a bottle of this special oil and some cotton balls. I don’t know how many people are familiar […]

Tea Tree Oil Vs. Neosporin

Chemical substances such as medicines, cleaning supplies and processed food are constantly under the supervision of medical scientists causing negative health effects and other complications to the human body. For this reason, people are turning to natural conditions for a healthier, greener lifestyle. My latest natural alternative phenomenon comes straight from Australia. It’s called Tea […]

Jason Tea Tree Oil – Product Review

Tea tree oil has been used throughout the years as an antiseptic for minor cuts, burns, abrasions and insect bites. After suffering from annoying and itchy mosquito bites I decided to try to sooth the itch with something natural such as tea tree oil. I went to my local drugstore and found a bottle of […]

Tea Tree Essential Oil and Aromatherapy

Tea Tree oil is best known for its impressive disinfectant and antiseptic properties – it kills germs and bacteria. The antiseptic properties were discovered centuries ago by Australian Aborigines who used it to treat many bacterial and fungal infections. Tea Tree Oil is native to New South Wales, Australia and Tasmania. European explorers used the […]

How to Use Tea Tree Oil as Insect Repellent

Tired of spraying so many chemicals to get rid of pests? Need something a little less intoxicating to you, your kids, your plants, and your pets? Tea tree oil is a great natural insect repellent. Best of all, it works on plants, pets, and people. You just have to know how to use it. With […]

Product Review: Now Personal Care Certified Organic Tea Tree Oil

Are you looking for a great brand of tea tree oil that is certified organic and contains only 100% tea tree oil? NOW Personal Care has created a very affordable certified organic tea tree essential oil that is great for you and the environment. When considering what size bottle of organic tea tree essential oil […]

What Are Tea Tree Benefits?

Along with herbal tea, tea tree oil is also a non-tea product. There are many benefits of tea tree claims, so we thought some of the claims are worth mentioning here. This tea tree oil can sometimes be referred to Melaleuca oil. peppermint essential oil is from a plant called Alternifolia Melaleuca, not the mother […]