Tag Archives: Theory of Knowledge

The Hillsborugh High School IB Program: Tampa, Florida–An Insider’s Review

In today’s American atmosphere of intense academic competition, few assets are more valuable than a great school. Institutions that creatively stimulate their students and push them to succeed are highly valued at all levels of education, from elementary school to graduate school. Of course, these are the qualities that characterize the top universities in the […]

Plato: A Biographical Sketch

Plato was a philosopher from Ancient Greece who founded the Academy of Athens and used it as a platform to convey his ideas about ethics, politics, and philosophy. Plato focused on Philosophical topics such as Epistemology and Metaphysics. He explored political science and looked for the best form of government, and he expanded what we […]

Biography: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Born in 1870, in Sibrsk, Vladimir Ilich Oulianoff, known as Lenin, studied in the high school of Sibirsk. In 1891, he acquired the degree of law and began to work as assistant lawyer in Samara. There, he organized a Marxist circle, he developed contact with the revolutionary youth of other cities and began his author’s […]

Niels Bohr: the Father of the Theory of Atomic Structure

“Epistemology, or, “theory of knowledge”, is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature, methods, limitations and validity of knowledge and belief. (Wilkipedia Epistemology) According to Plato, and, represented by a figure of subsets, knowledge is the subset of what is both true and believed. Epistemology was the basis for “debates” between Albert Einstein and […]