Tag Archives: Therapists

Physical Therapy for Back Strain

Physical therapy can help with your back strain. Physical therapists are experts in the way your body moves and treating musculoskeletal disorders including back strain. Your first physical therapy visit for your back strain During your first visit to a physical therapist for your back strain, he or she will ask about your activities that […]

The Salaries of Music and Voice Therapists

Musicians and medical professionals both long have recognized the connection between music and the mind, as well as the physical effects music can have on the body as a whole. People interested in this connection can seek careers as voice therapists — also called speech-language pathologists — or music therapists. Voice Therapist Salary The average […]

What is a Women’s Health Physical Therapist?

You have incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse or pain during intercourse. You have just seen your gynecologist and she/he recommends pelvic physical therapy. “What??” you ask. “What on earth can a physical thttp://www.womenshealthapta.org/herapist do for me?” This is a common scenario. Women’s health physical therapists are physical therapists that have specialized training in treating the muscles […]