Tag Archives: Tips for Losing Weight

Miracle Diets Found on Pro-Anorexia Websites

If healthy food and exercise bore you, you’ll want to find something easier that delivers fast, noticeable results. You want to find a feed that quickly sheds unwanted threats, doesn’t take a lot of work, is easy to follow and easy to manage. You don’t want lectures on healthy and why you need regular exercise […]

6 Reasons Not to Go on a Diet + 2 Simple Ways to Still Lose Weight

Do you know the definition of diet? The definition – on a diet – is to make a regime of eating and drinking sparingly to reduce weight (Merriam Webster, 2010). Spare? What, that just sounds awful. Spare anything spare. Not of course when it comes to food. I’m not that voracious, but I do enjoy […]

Why Can’t I Lose Weight?: Three Reasons Diet & Exercise May Not Be Working for You

Are you one of those people who just can’t seem to lose weight no matter how much you diet and exercise? You’ve tried it all: Pilates, jogging, lifting weights, low-carb diets, nothing seems to work. If you’ve been trying to lose weight and nothing seems to work, there may be health factors that prevent you […]

Food to Avoid When Trying to Lose Weight

Every day millions of people wake up with one intention, they want to start a diet, lose weight, and start living a healthier lifestyle. However, even with these goals attached to our hearts, the conviction often breaks so that we quickly pass the next meal, realizing that we started the day without breakfast. The story […]

Ten Realistic Tips for Losing Weight the Healthy Way

Sixty-five percent of America’s adult females are overweight or obese. Last month, this statistic made headlines. News networks and talk shows sometimes treat the subject of weight as if it were a raging epidemic, so much so that phrases like “West Nile Virus” and “Mad Cow Disease” have been all but forgotten. I have visions […]

Deception in Weight Loss Advertisements

Through out the nineteenth and early twentieth century the world came under the assault of deceptive advertising for useless products on a scale that had yet to have been matched. I’m talking of course about the ‘miracle elixirs’ which lined the shelves of drug stores in America. Tonics and creams were often advertised as multipurpose […]

How I Lost 50 Pounds in Five Months

I have been an overweight woman all my life. By the time I was 12, I had already reached 145 pounds. My weight has fluctuated between 170 and 220 for a long time since I was 17. I wanted to share my story with everyone, so you know anyone can do it. Do not use […]