Tag Archives: TWA

5 Natural Black Hair Care Myths

So you like to go natural? I’m sure you have many questions right now and more coming up as you take this hair journey. There are many blogs, YouTube-videos and pages dedicated to solving these questions. But not all of these answers are 100 percent true for all naturals. Help me debunk some hard and […]

The Brewster Senate Hearings of 1947

I am sure that many of us have heard about Howard Hughes. The movie, “The Aviator” gives a great understanding of the life of this millionaire. The movie briefly hits on the Brewster Senate Hearings of 1947. Let’s take a look at those hearings a bit closer. The Hearings were set up by the Senate […]

TWA Flight 800 Disaster: 15 Years Later

Time can heal some of the wounds left by the TWA Flight 800 disaster, but they can never be completely healed. July 17 will mark 15 years since takeoff and the subsequent explosion that took the lives of all 230 people on board. Mysteries and alternative theories as to why the plane exploded still surround […]