Tag Archives: Upper Respiratory Infections

Avelox: Treatment for Antibiotic Resistant Infections

During the colder winter season, many people begin to suffer from more common cases of upper respiratory infections and sinusitis. This is especially true for adults who care for children exposed to infections in the school environment. For these active adults, finding a powerful antibiotic, to fight infection, is the primary medical focus while ensuring […]

5 Ways to Prevent Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are the result of disruption of the natural defenses of the human body. They occur when some type of irritation inflames the pocket tissue, allowing bacteria, pollutants or viruses to enter and set up home. Before you know it, you have a headache or pressure behind your eyes, a stuffy head, and maybe […]

Upper Respiratory Infection in Cats

Upper respiratory infections are not something you should wait out. If your cat has an upper respiratory infection, chances are, it will worsen over a period of hours. Thus, it is essential that you know the facts about this disease. Upper respiratory infections are caused by a virus, commonly the feline herpes virus. For more […]

Four Little Known Causes of a Dry Cough

Are you experiencing an annoying, dry cough? While a dry cough can come from a variety of causes including upper respiratory infections, sinusitis, colds, and flu, and even more serious problems such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and cancer, there are several other dry cough causes that even your doctor might miss. If you have a nagging […]

What Exactly is “Croup”? Understanding Laryngo-Tracheo Bronchitis

Since the term has been around for generations, Croup is a common term, usually referring to a condition known as laryngo-tracheal bronchitis – inflammation of a child’s larynx and/or throat. Upper respiratory infections in children can affect the tonsils, larynx and other parts of the arterial tree. These infections can be caused by other viruses […]

Causes of Upper Respiratory Infections in Guinea Pigs

Upper respiratory infections in guinea pigs or URIs are mostly preventable. Any illness can hit a guinea pig very hard, because they are so small and can easily dehydrate. Since they are a prey species, guinea pigs or cavies often hide any symptoms of illness until they are far gone. They do this because in […]