Tag Archives: Valerian

5 Herbs for ADHD

In North America, ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders. So there are thousands of treatments and remedies from psychiatric therapies to pharmaceuticals to herbalism and other natural remedies. Although many pharmaceutical drugs have been proven effective, they can cause serious and sometimes fatal side effects, especially when given to children. There […]

Common Herbs to Help Anxiety

Anxiety is a nervous state experienced by a person not necessarily because of a situation, but because of a past memory he is experiencing or rehearsing in his mind. Many individuals experiencing anxiety is consciously aware of the original source of the feeling. An individual may be anxious because of a memory being excited by […]

Supplement and Natural Alternatives to Treat CFS & Fibromyalgia Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are a major part of having illnesses like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. For people with this illness, the lack of sleep is a catch-22 situation. Patients need to sleep in order to keep the symptoms at bay and to rejuvenate the body, but the illnesses themselves do not allow the body to […]

AriZona Rx Stress Herbal Iced Tea: Perfect to Calm the Nerves

The AriZona Beverage Company has developed various types of Iced Tea and Energy drinks throughout the years, but by far the best that I have tasted is their AriZona Rx Stress Herbal Iced Tea. This special stress fighting iced tea is brewed from decaffeinated black and green teas using clean, filtered water. With 100% Vitamin […]

Treating Anxiety Naturally

At one time or another many of us suffer from anxiety. Some of us are worse than others. And a small percentage of us worry every day and for no apparent reason. Here are natural ways to reduce your anxiety: Valerianus Since valerian is commonly known as a holistic approach to inducing sleep, I also […]

The Four Best Herbs for Nervousness

Everybody feels nervous at certain times, such as before giving a speech or taking a big test. Feeling nervous on a daily basis, however, is something different. It is important to talk to a therapist or understanding medical professional about constant unease. Using herbs for nervousness can help as well. The following four plants are […]

Healing Benefits of Valerian Root

Valeriana officinalis, valerian is native to North America, Europe and Asia. Valerian is a tall perennial herb with hollow stems that bear white or reddish flowers. The name Valerian comes from the Latin word valere, that is, to be strong. The root of valerian root harbors many active compounds and many herbalists believe that this […]

Does Valerian Root Work?

It works for me. Like all substances meant to change mood or behavior, how valerian root works depends on its own physical chemistry. I initially tried this because my brother bought some for sleep problems. It works for me. There is nothing in him. For those who don’t know, valerian root is a cleansing supplement […]

Growing the Sedative Herb Valerian

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis, also known as Hortus Heliotropia, not to be confused with Red Valerian, which is Red Centranthus) is a plant that is both a herb and an ornamental. A tall (three to five feet) perennial, it is a great farm or wild garden. The leaves are medium green and deeply divided, giving the […]