Tag Archives: Vitamin K Deficiency

Dong Quai Interacts with Blood Thinners

While working in a store that primarily sells medicinal herbs, I found a woman looking for quai dong – a Chinese brand of angelica herb – as a treatment for menstrual discomfort. She had already reached that point when she turned to me and asked, “Is it good to take thinners with blood?” I was […]

Food Sources High in Vitamin K

Vitamin K is found in a large variety of food and is easily obtained in most situations. The recommended amount of Vitamin K to be consumed is 120mcg/day in adult males, and 90mcg/day in females. The most common food sources of Vitamin K include vegetables, especially dark green ones like spinach and broccoli. There are […]

CEPROTIN – Replacement Therapy for Protein C Deficiency

In humans, blood normally coagulates within seconds of an injury or blood clots form (platelets (the smallest cells in the blood) gather around breaks in the blood vessels to form a clot, through a process involving up to twenty plasma (manufactured) (manufactured) in the liver), known factors coagulation Plasma proteins C and S (anticoagulants to […]

What Are Herbal Tea Benefits?

Herbal tea benefits are more diverse than tea benefits. If you know, herbal tea is not real tea. There are herbs, dried flowers, seeds, and roots. Thus, the benefits of herbal tea come from the benefits of the individual herbs, flowers, seeds, roots… which are infused as tea. Therefore, in order to understand the benefits […]

Vitamin K: Health Benefits and Foods

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin. The primary purpose of vitamin K in the body is to aid in blood clotting. More recently, low levels of vitamin K have been associated with the onset of several diseases including osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, and some forms of cancer. A significant amount of the vitamin K necessary is […]

Oil and Water Soluble Vitamins

Oil Soluble Vitamins Oil soluble vitamins are vitamins that do not need to be replaced in the body on a daily basis; they are stored in the body and used whenever they are needed for specific functions in the body. Eating a normal, well balanced diet can help you from having to supplement the oil […]

Causes and Symptoms of Vitamin K Deficiency

Vitamin K deficiency is rarely seen on its own, it is usually the result of another problem within the body. Not only is Vitamin K found in a large variety of easily obtainable foods such as vegetables and dairy products, it is also synthesized by bacteria in the small intestines where it is absorbed into […]

The Six Main Vitamins in Tea

Vitamin B in tea drink overview Vitamin B in tea is mostly B2. It is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B2 exists in the body in very small quantity. It helps form blood cells. This vitamin can regulate the break down of fats and amino acids. It also play an important role in energy production. This […]