Tag Archives: Westernization

The Modern Filipino: A Blend of Cultures, yet Distinctly Filipino

First off, I must clarify what the title “Filipino” applies to. A common misconception is that the term “Filipino” stands for the people of the Philippines before the coming of the west in 1521 – the year, which also marks the start of recorded Philippine history and the inculcation of certain tools into our culture, […]

Top European Locations for Students (or Anyone Else with a Backpack!)

There you are: young, carefree and with a few weeks of holiday break to burn. If you listen closely you can hear Europe calling! Assuming you already have your passport, you are off and running. The European Union is slowly pulling in all the far corners of Western Europe and that means everyone is turning […]

The Age of Imperialism and Its Impact on India, Japan and China

The period from 1870-1914 is commonly referred to as the age of imperialism, when Western European nations set up empires overseas, which had profound implications for the entire world. A large part of recorded history is about the rise and fall of empires. The Europeans themselves have been the largest and most imperialist peoples throughout […]

Low Self Esteem and Plastic Surgery in Today’s World

Plastic Surgery is a modern phenomenon with major implications. Although the art of altering the body is a more socially acceptable thing that has been done since ancient times, it has only recently become a truly medical fad and has gained the ability to change almost any part of the external body. There are major […]

Modernization in Russia in the 19th Century and Its Problems

In 1962, President Kennedy delivered a speech in which he asked his audience to condense “the 50,000 years of man’s recorded history in a time span of but a half a century.” By this measure, “the printing press came this year, and then less than two months ago…the steam engine provided a new source of […]

A Study of Similarities and Differences Between Late 19th Century China and Japan

As countries of the East, the West often perceives China and Japan as two countries with similar political, economic and social norms. What many Westerners may not realize, however, beginning in the 19th century, Japan ended its traditional isolationist policies while seeking to isolate China, and this distinction strongly influenced Japan and China’s political, economic, […]

The Meiji the End of Feudalism in Japan During Tokugawa’s Rule and Western Treaties

The foundation of Meiji was established during the Tokugawa rule of Japan. Under the Tokugawa, Japan became unified and isolated according to the Chinese model. Tokugawa exhausted the feudal economic system by requiring samurai and daimyos to live half-time in Edo every other year. with the exception of his fees. and his hostages to remain. […]