Tag Archives: Wheezing

What Are Abnormal Lung Sounds?

The Danger of Absent Lung Sounds Health care providers know that the most important sounds, other than those of a heartbeat, are the sounds of air passing in and out through a patient’s lungs. Whenever lung sounds cannot be heard, a life-threatening condition has occurred. Respiratory distress, respiratory arrest, or a collapsed lung could be […]

Why Babies Wheeze

First, let me say, if your baby is having trouble breathing, call 911. Don’t take chances and don’t “wait and see”. This article is not to diagnose your child’s condition, it is simply a listing of some of the things that can cause a baby to wheeze. There are several things that can cause a […]

Coughing or Wheezing: Do You Have Sarcoid Tumors?

You are coughing. You do not have a fever. Cough drops don’t help. You don’t have allergies or asthma. You do not feel sick, but the cough just won’t quit. In exhaustion and frustration, you finally go to the doctor. He or she checks you over and orders a chest x-ray, tuberculosis (Tb) test, a […]