Tag Archives: White Fang

Ethan Hawke’s Top 5 Movies

Ethan Hawke is perhaps the most famous actor of our time. While the tabloids (and countless numbers of teenage girls) flatter characters like Brad Pitt and Judas Law, Ethan Hawke maintains relative anonymity in the metropolis of New York. Although he was nominated twice for the academy awards, he still won. So, here’s an honorary […]

And, Sadly, Dreamers Die: Chris McCandless Goes into the Wild

When Chris McCandless died four months after boarding his Alaskan Odyssey, critics accused him of being crazy and stupid, but as in Jon Krakauer’s Wild and Henry Ticknor’s “Death of Innocents,” McCandless was quite the intellectual. What led to his downfall, however, was that he was so deeply ingrained in academia that he lacked the […]

A Guide to Surfing: Basics on Surfboards, Waves and Terminology

A Brief History of Surfing It is unknown when exactly the sport of surfing began in the islands of Hawai’i. It is known that by 1778, the year Captain Cook and his crews became the first Europeans to see Hawai’i, that surfing was a sport well entrenched within Hawaiian culture and had been around for […]

Female Alpha Dog Behavior? You Betcha’

I have a friend who says he only goes out with one other hour — he calls Dyads. Why? He says that when the females are together in groups of 3 or 4, they are notable for their strength combined with the skills of the alpha dog in animal groups. She does not believe them, […]