Tag Archives: Yeast Infections

Can You Cure Vaginal Yeast Infection?

This article is written from a male point of view. having seen, first hand, how my wife suffered with and dealt with a vaginal yeast infection. This article deals with vaginal yeast infection and is comprised of what I have read, and personally experienced in my family. So, any similarity to any other information being […]

Yeast Infections & Candida

Candidiasis is an infection caused by the over-growing of the fungus called Candida albicans. Yeast is common in or on the skin, mouth, penis and vagina, these are areas where a yeast infection can occur. Yeast infections are generally more occurring in women than men. Candidiasis is a parasitic yeast like fungus that inhabits the […]

Home Remedies for Yeast Infections

As any woman who has ever had a vaginal yeast infection knows, it can be a very uncomfortable, sometimes painful and always annoying experience. There are a few possible causes of yeast infections such as; taking certain antibiotics or birth control pills, douching with over the counter products wiping out good bacteria that fight yeast […]

Holistic Way to Cure a Yeast Infection

Are you plagued with yeast infections on a regular basis? Are you embarrassed by burning, itching or painful sensations everyday? It’s important to know that 75% of women have had a yeast infection at some point in their lives. When you talk about yeast infections you are referring to Candida, a common fungus normally found […]

Staying Dry to Prevent Recurring Yeast Infections

Of all the things that can trigger a vaginal yeast infection, heat and moisture are the two main things that we can control, outside of the food we eat. Most people can prevent vaginal yeast infections by eating right and staying dry. Yeast can survive in dry conditions, but only in a dormant state. It […]

What to Do for Yeast Infections and How to Avoid Getting Them

Before you know what to do for yeast infection, you first have to understand its origin. A yeast infection occurs when the fungus Candida albicans overgrows in the vagina. While many women may have small amounts of the fungus, not all become symptomatic. If conditions change and more fungus grows, the bacteria can dissipate thus […]

Men Can Get Yeast Infections

Common thought is that only women get yeast infections, but this is not true. People can also get yeast infections. In many cases, the well-known “jock psoriasis” is caused by a yeast infection. How do people get Yeast Infections? The increased use of antibiotics is one reason for yeast infection in humans. An antibiotic kills […]

How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection?

How to get rid of a yeast infection? What is fermentation? The truth revealed. Yeast, also called Candida, is found naturally in vaginal health and other areas of the body, along with several types of healthy bacteria. . Usually yeast and bacteria don’t give you any problems unless they are overgrown. There, the blocked state […]

Yeast Infection Symptoms and Natural Cure

Yeast infections are as painful as they are common. About seventy-five percent of women will have at least one yeast infection in their lifetime, forty-five percent will get more than one, and some women suffer from chronic yeast infections. Yeast infections are caused by a fungus called albicans albicans. Yeast is always present in the […]

Why High-Sugar Diets Can Cause Yeast Infections

It has been known for some time that a high-sugar diet, or any diet that includes large quantities of simple carbohydrates like white bread and pasta, can contribute to chronic yeast infections. Research studies have shown that the yeast population in mice will skyrocket (and become infectious), if the mice are fed a high-sugar diet. […]