Maintain your complexion by developing a daily facial care routine that includes a thorough morning wash, either repeated or replaced in the evening by nightly cleansing, toning and moisturizing routines.
To wash, use the simplest soap you can buy, without added disinfectants or perfume; Medicated soaps can help fight septic skin conditions such as ulcers, but are not otherwise necessary.
If you use a face flannel, you will always be clean and fresh. After rubbing your face, wash well with plain water and pat dry with a clean and soft towel.
Cleansing – Always remove makeup at night. Remove the mascara with a cotton bud soaked in lotion, and the eye shadow with a bowl of clean cotton wool. with smartphones. Dab the facial cleansing cream generously over the nose, chin, forehead and cheeks.
Massage on the skin, under the jaws with a gentle upward movement. Massage to the forehead, then under the eyes to the nose, and finally above the chin. Remove the cream with soft tissue pads or wet cotton in both hands, again starting from the throat and kneading.
Toning – Use caution to remove any traces of dirt, or use detergents immediately after cleaning. Choose one that is just dyed, if then a stronger sting is more cautious.
Take a clean cotton-pad and soak it lightly in the toner. First apply to the forehead and knees, then move around the creases around the nose, and finally the chin. Avoid sensitive areas around the eyes.
natural remove moisture from our skin, which results in dryness and tautening. A thin layer of moisturizer after toning helps to keep the face smooth and supple.
head lightly over face moisturizer Starting from the center of the forehead work the cream outwards using the fingers of both hands. Pat the cream gently around the eye and cheeks. Then work it around the cheek line, chin and mouth, and lastly push it upwards over the throat.
Facials and masks – facial treatment sometimes deeply settles the impurity and removes it to stimulate circulation. To give yourself a facial at home, buy camomile tea bags and a facial, or a decorative mask from the pharmacist. A yellow-based face can often benefit from oily-skin-based and white masks contain moisture in drier skin.
Remove all makeup and hair spray veils. Pour boiling water over two chamomile tea bags in the basin. Pull a towel over your head to catch the steam and hold your face about 12 inches above the water for about ten minutes.
Wipe dry with a towel or soft cloth, and then apply the mask as directed. Be careful not to be careful not, mouth or hairlines too close to your eyes. Leave it as directed, and then carefully remove it with wool and cotton, wash your face in cold water, wipe dry, and apply a moisturizer.