Teaching a Sonnet Format in a Middle School Creative Writing Class

Every semester is the same. I teach poetry in my Creative Writing class and my students “share it big.” There are girls who give dreamy eyes and a blank look fully prepared to write about the love of unicorns and pink candy. Then there are the guys who, if they were properly armed, would love to shove a nuclear war right under my nose.

But the realm of poetry does not have to be an apocalyptic nightmare because it is neither teacher nor student. Teach the basic instructions to the whole group before the students try the pen to paper key. Plus, when they involve all the students and provide exercises aimed at them, it becomes an extra stimulus in the next Robert Frost .

1.) Targeted Musicians and Celebrities

If the word cuss existed in many genres of writing, the “P” word would be the poetic equivalent of the F-bomb. Poetry isn’t a friend to students going through a tumultuous adolescence, but sometimes looking up to celebrity-bred celebrities can be a real eye-opener. Hip-Hop musicians, football players, and other teen idols have written poetry. About running backs in the Houston Texans, Arian Foster, and Billy Corgan Cucurbitis are just two strong examples. Most of the musical lyrics are intended to form the basis of poetry. Bringing this to the reluctant student’s attention will then show that poetry is indeed cooler than first thought and a great way of self-expression.

2.) Rhythm scheme

After the ice is broken, students focus on the proper meter of the poem. This is the blueprint for what lines have to rhyme with each other. For example, Shakespearean sonnet has the form: ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG. Corresponding letters represent which lines will crack a meter apart. Although an easy concept, students are often confused with the concept of letters if they have to start writing their lines with that letter of the Alphabet. Arguing about the fallacy of an entire genre and having students make intentional lines, however silly they may be, makes the ideology behind the poetry more entertaining. Having examples of forms also helps to eliminate this confusion. Initially, I ask random students to “give me a random opinion.” Breakouts usually give a basic opinion. So let’s expand this sentence with each new line to form our own rhyme scheme. In most cases, these “whole song creations” make little to no sense and sound silly. The emphasis in this poetic teaching should be twofold: The basics of the rhyme scheme and the concept, which at that time the poem should make more sense!

3.) Focus, Focus, Focus

Transitioning students from crazy whole-class poems to their individual creations remains the most challenging challenge of all. The goal after students understand the mechanics of the rhyme scheme needs to be an idea of ​​a poem having one central theme. Whether the song’s focus is on romantic delights or the joys of shooting hoops in basketball, the focus can never be understood. Once students have completed the rough draft, they are encouraged to exchange their poems with a classmate and be given a specific one. answer the question: Does this poem make sense? If certain lines sound “forced” (not rhyming at all), students highlight the line and return it to its original creator. The destruction of the list of suggestions can also include swap papers and a doctor who should act as a facilitator in the exchange.

In some cases, students embrace poetry as a long-lost relative. they laugh with delight at the basic idea that they are expressing their passion. But then there are the other 99% of the student population. After all, this is a three-step approach to putting your poetry lesson plan under control. teach him with abundance and excitement. And enjoy the madness, rigor, and fun that follows!

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