Ten Inspirational Father’s Day Quotes

As Father’s Day approaches, it is not uncommon for one to find them self reflecting on the importance of fatherhood. In becoming a father, a man takes on a lifetime of new roles and responsibilities that are necessary to help in raising a child. In a moments time, a man becomes to his children a provider, protector, and comforter. To help his sons and daughters grow, he finds himself an educator, a disciplinarian, and a confidant. It’s the ability to fill this wide variety of roles as a father that makes a man both remarkable and extraordinary. Below are ten quotes that remind us of the roles and responsibilities that can make a father special.

1. A father carries pictures where his money used to be. – Author Unknown

In addition to alluding to the idea that having offspring can put a strain on a father’s pocket book, this quote also gives an indication of the importance a father places on his children. A man’s wallet contains items that are valuable, important, and that are needed everyday. Considering this, it is no coincidence that a father’s wallet contains photographs of his children.

2. One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. – George Herbert

It’s hard to put a value on an individual who is tasked with the responsibility of educating the youth of a community. For hours upon hours the teacher works with the students, providing them with the education and skills they need to succeed in life. How much more valuable then is a father who knowing his children intimately and being with them throughout childhood, can be their most important and valued teacher.

3. Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance. – Ruth E. Renkel

There are things more valuable than wealth and possessions that a father can leave to his children. Family memories and life lessons are experiences that to a son or daughter can prove to be priceless.

4. That is the thankless position of the father in the family – the provider for all, and the enemy of all. – J. August Strindberg

Despite fulfilling his duty to provide for the family, a father’s responsibility to prepare his children to succeed in life does not always make him the most popular parent. Lessons such as discipline, patience, and resilience are not always easy for a child to learn, but the fact that a father is willing to teach these important virtues at the cost of being disliked is evidence of a caring and loving teacher.

5. I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection. – Sigmund Freud

As a child grows, he or she has a need to feel safe even when faced with situations that can be frightening. A father serves an important role in ensuring security for his children. In addition to providing this sense of security during frightening situations, it’s also the duty of a father to help his child learn to overcome those things that cause him or her to feel unsafe.

6. Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad. – Anne Geddes

To be an important person in a child’s life requires love and commitment that unfortunately not all men are willing to invest. Being a parent is not always easy, but it is the time, energy and effort required to help raise a child that can make a man a special father.

7. My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. – Clarence Budington Kelland

Actions speak louder than words and some of the most important lessons and behaviors a child can learn come from observing his or her father.

8. Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventures, story tellers, singers of song. – Pam Brown

Love for their children will cause fathers to take on roles that they never could have imagined. Ordinary men become extraordinary individuals through spending time with their sons and daughters. In the eyes of their children even the most common fathers become entertainers, champions, and super heroes.

9. Noble fathers have noble children. – Euripides

If children are going to become righteous and upstanding individuals, they need role models who they can look to for an example. Many fathers have taken the time and effort to put themselves in the important position where they can instill a sense of nobility and morality into their children.

10. Dad, you’re someone to look up to no matter how tall I’ve grown – Author Unknown

The wisdom and lessons a father can impart does not end when all of the children have grown up. In fact it is sensible son or daughter that continues to look to the father for advice and consultation long after he or she has left home.

Quotes were obtained from the following sites:


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