Ten Movie Quotes from the Quirky Wit of Napoleon Dynamite

Ever so often, our family hears a line in a movie that is so perfect, we immediately absorb it in our unique family lingo. From Jack Byrnes (Meet the Parents) “I’ll be watching you” to Nigel’s (Spinal Tap) hilarious explanation about the amps that go “one louder” than ten, these movie quotes have become part of family lore.

It wasn’t until seeing the movie, Napoleon Dynamite, that our family co-opted not just one line but an entire screen play into our everyday conversations. This quirky film about a teenager from Preston, Idaho is fully of dead pan humor and brilliantly captures those horrible high school moments that so many of us can relate to.

Yes, I’ll admit it. I was also a ‘fro’d, aviator bespectacled high school geek that had to ride the school bus home with elementary school kids because Dad wouldn’t let me have the freaking el Camino. I also owned moon boots (however, mine were way cooler) and spent my recess drawing off-beat cartoons or practicing my Lily Tomlin and Ruth Buzzi impersonations. And that business of the farmer shooting the cow in front of a busload of kids? Sheesh, I can top that. Where I grew up, the county had a “dead cow truck” that would criss cross the countryside in search of dead and bloated cattle that had been tossed on the side of the road. Now imagine following that smelly old truck in a school bus with a bunch of grade schoolers twice a week.

Napoleon Dynamite isn’t for everyone. In fact, when the movie was first released in 2004, most of my friends hated it because it made us Idahoans look like backwoods dorks. Who are they kidding? We WERE dorks and I for one, can appreciate how right on spot the Hess brothers were with their portrayal of small town Idaho dorkdom.

For us kids who were the school losers, the dorks, the geeks, and the ones that got ditched at the prom, the lesson of Napoleon Dynamite is that with a few good friends and some wicked dance moves, life really does has a way of working out.

“That’s like a dollar an hour!” said by Jon Heder as Napoleon Dynamite.
Context: After getting harassed by Uncle Rico to get a job, Napoleon spends the days sorting chicken at a near by ranch only to discover that the chicken farmer has pulled a fast one, “Forgot my checkbook, OK if I pay you in change?” As the scene cuts away, Napoleon is seen counting mostly pennies and nickels when he blurts out this line.
How it relates to our family: My husband moonlights from time to time for non profit organizations. Unfortunately,when it’s time to get paid, somehow these non-profits don’t have the money and he ends up working for practically free. For any of us who have worked off our rears and been paid a pittance, this movie quote pretty much says it all.

“Stay home and eat all the freakin’ chips, Kip,” said by Napoleon Dynamite.
Context: Napoleon has come home from a tiresome day at school to discover that his unemployed, chat room addict, 32 year old brother, Kip (played by Aaron Ruell) has managed eat pretty much what’s left in the house.
How it relates to our family: This is a wonderful quote for those days when either my husband and I are called to work on a Saturday, and come home tired and longing for that last Hostess cupcake in the box, only to discover that someone beat us to it.

“Just break the wrist and walk away. Just break the wrist and walk away,” said by Diedrich Bader as Rex.
Context: In a promotional studio demo, Rex of the Rex Kwon Do School of Self Defense demonstrates some basic self defense lessons using Kip “We all know I’m training to be a cage fighter” Dynamite as his partner.
How it relates to our family: At the moment, our daughter is being verbally harassed by a junior high bully and this movie quote is her mantra. It’s really a great quote for all of us to remember that when being confronted by a jerk, the best thing to do is to turn around and walk away.

“What are you gonna do today, Napoleon?” asked by kid on bus.
Napoleon: Whatever I feel like I wanna do. Gosh! …
Context: The movie starts with Napoleon boarding a bus with a bunch of elementary school children. He walks to the back of the bus and sits down next to this kid.
How it relates to our family: Yes, there are days when we really don’t want to go to work or school and it shows on our face. Our family plays out this dialog at least once a week as kids or hubby are headed out the door.

Napoleon: Well, what is there to eat?
“Knock it off Napoleon, just make yourself a dang quesa-dilluh!” said by Sandy Martin, playing Napoleon’s guardian grandmother.
Context: Grandma heads out the door leaving Napoleon to fix either lunch or supper for himself.
How it relates to our family: I don’t fancy myself as a white trash mother but once in a while, I just can’t pry myself away from the computer to fix an afternoon snack for the kids. I’ll toss out the “dang quesa-dilluh” line when my kids are bugging me for something to eat while I’m trying to upload a story to Associated Content.

“Right on… right on” said by Uncle Rico.
Context: Uncle Rico is a has-been high school football player who lives in the past, knowing that if coach had just put him in at the 4th quarter, “We would have gone State for sure.” He asks his nephew Kip if he has ever explored time travel. “Easy, I’ve checked into it myself,” says Kip to which Uncle Rico gives this replay.
How it relates to our family: It’s the “right on… right on” that my husband and I find so hilarious. Anyone who had stoner friends back in the 70s and 80s will recognize the gleam in Gries’ eye and the quiver of excitement at the news that a new crop of weed was headed up from Mexico. For those days when we are headed out to somewhere fun, some one in the family will pull this gem out of the family lexicon.

Grandma: How was school?
“The worst day of my life, what do you think?” said by Napoleon Dynamite.
Context: When you are a dork like Napoleon, everyday is a bad one. In this scene, Napoleon has just come home from school when he and his Grandma have this exchange.
How it relates to our family: My husband and all my kids use this quote whenever asked about their day at school or work. Thank goodness none of them had it as bad as Napoleon, but “the worse day of my life” usually is a signal to me that it’s time to pour a cup of tea and have us a talk.

“How bout some gold bracelets?” said Aaron Ruell as Kip Dynamite.
Context: Kip and his Uncle Rico are discussing a new business opportunity, with Uncle Rico asking, “We also need some way to make us look official, like we got all the answers.”
How it relates to our family: For the times when someone in the family gets a wild, pie-in-the-sky idea that is either financially impractical or physically impossible to do, someone will suggest “how bout some gold bracelets” as a way to bring them back down to earth.

“Might as well be doin’ something while you’re doing nothin’ “ said by Uncle Rico.
Context: After selling door-to-door plastics, Rico decides it’s time to switch to selling herbal breast enhancements. At the table where he and Kip are working, he suggests that Kip try selling some to his chat room girlfriend who is coming out for a visit.
How it relates to our family: For those times when anyone is sitting in front of the TV, lounging around the house, reading comic books, or playing computer games, a pile of unfolded laundry gets dumped in their laps along with this movie quote.

“You know, like numchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills… Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills,” said by Napoleon.
Context: Pedro and Napoleon Dynamite are discussing the upcoming dance, with Pedro wondering if Napoleon has asked anyone to go out with him yet. “… who would?” asks Napoleon. “I don’t even have any good skills.”
How it applies to our family: What can I say ~ I have a couple of single and highly eligible, extremely good looking, tall, blue eyed, blonde haired, college educated, talented bachelor sons who aren’t seeing anyone steady. “And why not?” I ask. This is the answer they give me.

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