The Best Acai Products on the Market

It is only recently that acai has taken the United States by storm. Thanks to publicity, – garnered largely by Oprah – acai products are now being marketed and sold faster than one can even spit out the words “acai berry.” What is it about this fruit that makes it a big seller in stores and how do you know if the product you are buying is acai in its purest form?

First, a little about what acai actually is. The acai berry is cultivated from the acai palm tree. These palm trees flourish in many South American regions; primarily along the Amazon river. The berries are produced from the palms at a rate of only twice per year. They are deep purple in color and about the size of a grape. Brazilians frequently use it in drinks and as an ice cream flavor.

Studies have shown that implementing this super-fruit in one’s diet has substantial effects on energy levels and the immune system. It was also shown to aid in digestion and the stabilization of cholesterol levels in some participants. Aside from these beneficial perks, acai fruit contains high levels of antioxidants (antioxidants fight free radicals that cause premature aging), essential amino acids, proteins, and omega fats.

With the word spreading about this awesome fruit, there has been a boom in new products on the market. Which products are actually worth spending money on?

Acai powder that has been freeze dried has shown to have some of the highest levels of the fruit’s antioxidants. Anthocyanins and multiple flavanoids, (both antioxidants), have shown a great presence in the powder form. Acai actually has the most concentration of anthocyanins than any other fruit. Some products to look for are ToGo brands Acai Natural Energy Boost drink packets, (GNC), and Sambazon acai powder and capsules.

Another product found on store shelves is acai juice. Some of the juices I’ve tried are very tart in taste and loaded with sugar and calories. Some of the benefits were lost in the process of cultivating the juice. It’s best to stick with products where the fruit has been freeze dried. Freeze drying preserves the berry in it’s most natural state at the time of harvest, thus preserving its most beneficial elements. Some juices have added vitamins and minerals and do not have as much added sugar. Sambazon, I’ve found, has the best tasting juices on the market. Some salons and spas are also selling juice by a company called MonaVie. The juice comes in what looks like wine bottles. They are pretty pricey, but get rave reviews. Check out

To find acai products, try nutrition centers such as GNC and the Vitamin Shoppe. You can purchase Sambazon’s products directly from their site –

Also, be careful of websites promising a sample of acai capsules for a small shipping fee. They claim their capsules will help you lose weight. These are a scam! It should also be noted that acai has not been proven as an efficient weight loss aid. DO NOT BUY INTO THE HYPE, and do not fall victim to these internet scams.


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