The Best Songs by Superchick

Superchick is a very cool band. You can’t put their music into one particular category, because they do it all. At their center they are a Christian band, but their song and the messages that they try to convey, are for anyone. They go all over the place with their music, from pop to alternative rock to punk, etc. They don’t like to be labeled into one particular type of music. They write what they feel, or have experienced, and put it to the music that they feel “fits” the song. That is one of the things I love most about them.

I discovered them just after their first album was being used on the show “Felicity”, and I fell in love. And that was quite awhile ago. I immediately looked them up online and got their entire album of songs. I loved every single song I heard. That never happens with me, I like some songs by a group or singer but never all of them. All the songs though, spoke to me, and I could see the messages they were trying to get across to their fans. And it made me not only love them and their music, but it made me respect them. So I am going to tell you some of Superchick’s best songs, in my personal opinion, and why they are so special.

1) “Let It Be”

This is one of all my all time favorite Superchick songs. Basically it talks about letting go of all the baggage you and others put on yourself. That you can be free if you ignore the names and the hurts people have caused you. That you can be the person you were meant to be, if you can just let go of all the bitterness you could hold onto. The song encourages you to believe in yourself and be whoever you are, to be unique.

2) “Hero”

This song is about people speaking up for those who can’t. People who are bullied, abused, etc and you see what is happening, but you do nothing and that is not okay. You are a real hero when you do what is right, which is speaking up, stopping the pain you see in front of you, putting yourself out there for someone else. We can change this world we live in if we just care about those around us. To be a hero all you have to do is let someone know that they are NOT alone. Just one small act of kindness can change one person’s life forever.

3) “One and Lonely”

This song is about insecurity. Even though we know rationally, as females, that we can’t be perfect, it still affects us when we see others reactions to women in Hollywood, etc. The song is trying to get to you to see that even though you have those bad days where you feel you are ugly or worthless, those days will pass and you will see that you are beautiful. Don’t dwell on the bad days, keep the good days close to your heart. Remember those moments of insecurity will pass and you have control over that. Do not let insecurity rule you.

4) “Beauty From Pain”

Another extreme favorite of mine, BFP is at the center of the album that takes it’s name from this song. This song is all about feeling like you are alone and in a dark place, and how lost you can feel, how scared. But the message to pain attention to is that you will find the light again and be happy. You will get through this pain, and maybe it won’t be today, but it will happen, you will get over the hurt and pain. You just have to bear with it, until you and your heart are ready to move on. And Superchick wants you to know that you are NOT alone. That others feel like this and they know that you will find the light again, the happiness you feel is beyond your reach.

5) “Crawl (Carry Me Through)”

This beautiful , gentle song sends chills through my spine whenever I hear it. It is all about a prayer asking for strength. Feeling like you can’t give anymore, but knowing that HE has gone through so much more and will never leave you and will carry you when you are too weak to crawl on your own. That you are never lost, because God or Jesus, or whatever higher strength you believe in, will be there for you. Looking after you, making sure you are never given more than you can deal with. Crawling along side you, never leaving you behind.

6) “We Live”

This song is about not waiting until it is too late to let people know how you feel about them. That we need to remember that we won’t be here forever, that you need to live your life NOW, and not be afraid and wait until you no longer have that chance. That we need to cherish the days we have, we need to learn to forgive and free ourselves of the hate and pain. That way we can really live and take the risks we were meant to take, to live the lives we were always meant to. We need to make our amends now while we have a chance to watch them change our lives, do not wait until it is too late.

7) “Barlow Girls”

This is the song that started Superchick’s following. This song deals with choosing to remain pure until you find the right guy, the man you are going to marry. That guys respect them and want to marry the girls who wait. It also tells you that you don’t have to be like everyone else and dress sexy to just attract a guy, especially when you don’t want to. That guys and dating do not have to be the focus of your life, especially when you are so young. To take your time and do things the way you know are right for you. Do not let outsiders pressure you to give anything you are not ready to give. I think it is a great motto, and is filled with great messages.

8) “Hey, Hey”

This fun, exuberant song is one of my favorite’s from Superchick’s last album. What this song says to me, is that it is time to stand up for yourself. To stop trying to please other people and live your life for you. To be proud of who you are and celebrate it! Being you is special, because there is no one like you. Why should you change yourself just to make someone else happy, when you are cool just the way you are. You can be whatever you want, and do not let anyone tell you differently. And there are people out there who want to appreciate the uniqueness that is you.

9) “Song 4 Tricia (Princes and Frogs)”

This song is so cute and has a good message. The guy members wrote it for lead singer Tricia. It is guys explaining that you need to wait for guys to mature and be the men you want them to be. That you need to wait for some guys to grow up before you date them, because they are not ready to treat you the way you should be treated. The way you deserve to be treated. But not to give up on them, some guys want to be the men you want them to be. You just may have to wait a little while.

10) “We All Fall”

This song deals with realizing that everyone fails sometimes. That everyone makes mistakes and let people down sometimes, including yourself. And sometimes all you can do is vow that next time it won’t happen again, not like this. That you won’t fail again if you try, because HE never gives up on you. That God still believes in all of us who fall, who fail, and He knows we can get up and try again. He accepts our failures and won’t turn his back on us.

There are many more songs that Superchick has that could go on this list. Basically, all their songs have messages that I think more people need to follow. But that would be a very long list, so I just tried to touch on a wide range of their beautiful songs. Songs they really work on until they are perfected. Beauty From Pain took 3 years, and was well worth the wait. So give Superchick a listen and see why they are one of the most popular Christian bands out there today. Their songs have now been featured in over 70 movies, TV shows and video games.

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