The Best Swimming Holes in Rhode Island

The state of Rhode Island isn’t known for it’s swimming holes. However, the smallest state in America is known for it’s beaches. Along the shore of Rhode Island, there’s a few secluded swimming holes that I try to visit each year. These areas remain true to the beauty of the Atlantic Ocean coast, but aren’t over populated like some of the beaches in Rhode Island. Although I wouldn’t consider these swimming holes in the traditional definition, I still consider these the best swimming holes Rhode Island has to offer.

1. Fort Wetherill

Located in Forth Wetherill State Park in Jamestown is a small beach unpopulated by the masses. The relatively unknown beach is protected by a beautiful rocky channel. This area is excellent if you’re into snorkeling. The waters are rich with marine life, as you would expect from the beautiful Atlantic Ocean. I’ve done snorkeling here once and enjoyed what these waters had to offer. It’s not going to compare to the resorts located in southern Florida, but definitely worthy of the New England area. Local and very easy to access. The location also protects the visitors from the winds coming off the ocean. Additionally, the area offers some shade for those with young children. The waters are very tame. The shore can be uncomfortable for some, as it does contain a lot of small rocks and shells. Shouldn’t cause too much discomfort, but bring a pair of water shoes just in case. For those who like rock jumping, take a short hike to the cliffs just beyond the beach. Many local teenagers jump into the ocean from here.

2. Lincoln Woods

Lincoln Woods is located at Lincoln Woods State Park. This state parks offers one of the few non-salt water swimming holes in Rhode Island. The water that is fed into this swimming hole is from the Blackstone River, which also extends from the neighboring Blackstone Valley in Massachusetts. The swimming hole is locally known as Olney Pond. It’s a typical State Park pond. There are public bathrooms, picnic tables and I have seen lifeguards here. Lincoln Woods also offers horseback riding. Great area for families and the pond offers much relief to those who find the salt water swimming holes to be much too abrasive for their skin.

3. The Wood River Junction

The Wood River Junction is a swimming hole that boasts many smaller areas along the Wood River. This water here is always warm and easily accessible. This Rhode Island swimming hole can get overcrowded with local kids and teenagers. Not recommended for families. I don;t visit this swimming hole much anymore because I don’t feel the language used by local teens is appropriate. If you are going to visit this area with children, I recommend off peak hours, which usually is late day. Again, the water is always warm so you don’t have to worry about getting chilly. The swimming hole does offer some jumping and a rope swing.

4. The Apex AT Point Judith

Another really beautiful Rhode Island swimming hole. Ideal for summer fun and relaxation. You will find excellent snorkeling here. The best part about Point Judith’s swimming hole is the fact that you have to take a boat to get to the area. In order to get to the Apex, you have to board “The Night Heron” excursion boat. The Atlantic Ocean shelters a sand bar that has been built up by the hundreds of New England storms over the years. The result is this excellent swimming hole. I would not recommend this area for young children. The boat runs on Thursday and Sunday during July and August. Double check with the website to confirm.

Although Rhode Island’s the smallest state, it still offer big excitement for a relatively inexpensive fee. If you’re tired of the crowded beaches, try one of these Rhode Island swimming holes. They tend offer a lot more than some of the best known beaches.

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